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Since February 2021, Joel has been a part of the news and entertainment team at PureWow (as the only weekend editor), publishing everything from film and TV reviews to celebrity fashion stories. You can find an up-to-date list of all his published articles below.

The rest of the articles featured on this page were originally printed in one of the two publications described below.

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ROCKET Magazine

ROCKET Magazine is the premier fashion and arts publication at the College of William & Mary. ROCKET is dedicated to telling political stories through art and writing. From 2017-2019, Joel was a member of the features team, eventually becoming the features co-editor from 2019-2020. To learn more about the magazine and see previous editions, visit their website at the button below.


Inside Tucker Hall

Inside Tucker Hall is the bi-annual newsletter for the English department at the College of William and Mary. In 2018, Joel was one of four students who were hired to spearhead the brand-new publication in order to elevate interest in the department among alumni and current students alike. To learn more about the newsletter and see previous issues, click the link below.

ROCKET Magazine Joel Calfee ROCKET Magazine Joel Calfee


Many of the stories we see in the media of trans/gender noncomforming (GNC) people — and marginalized folks generally — follow a script of laying out their trauma for a disengaged audience. Though doing so can be cathartic for subjects, what does it mean for audiences to consume these narratives? This article explores what it means for mainstream audiences to need these narratives in order to think of trans/GNC people as people.

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Suit & Tired
ROCKET Magazine Joel Calfee ROCKET Magazine Joel Calfee

Suit & Tired

Menswear, as prolific as it is in today’s fashion lexicon, offers certain privileges and restrictions, depending on who’s wearing it. Here, Joel Calfee discuss the implications of this division of fashion.

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